Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!
Class teachers:
Miss Deborah Robertson and Mr Alex Hope


The Harvest Experience:

In early October, Year 4 visited High Street Methodist Church for The Harvest Experience.  The children learnt about Harvest of the Grain, Harvest of the Flocks, Harvest of the Ocean, Harvest of the Ground and Harvest of the Garden.  They also learnt about the Jewish festival of Sukkot.  They  brought crocus bulbs that they had planted back to school to grow in their classrooms.  Thank you to all who helped with this trip and made it so enjoyable.


Year 4 Apple Giving Ceremony:

On Friday 28th September, Year 4 enjoyed being involved in The Apple Ceremony at Cogges Farm.  The children helped with handing over a basket of apples from Cogges Farm to the council as part of their rent for the year.

The children shared their autumn poems, which they had written themselves, and showed their pictures of apples that they had drawn using oil pastels.  They sang the song ‘Harvest Time’ with great enthusiasm and everyone enjoyed the actions.

The event concluded with everyone sharing apple cake and juice in the orchard.  Well done Year 4 for sharing your wonderful work so clearly, and thank you to the parents who came along to help.  A big thank you as well to our neighbours at Cogges Farm for their hospitality.